Shader Compiler

The shader compiler is a program for (re)compiling the GLSL source code in G10 shaders. The program can compile shaders for all types of Vulkan pipeline, including mesh/task shaders. When the application starts, a console window is opened for output


Be sure to install the Vulkan SDK and set a


is an environment variable referencing the path to the directory containing the G10 executable.
environment variable.


0. Download the G10 shader compiler for your machine

1. Drag 'n' drop your shader JSON file into the shader compiler

2. Inspect the


is a program in the Vulkan SDK that compiles GLSL shaders to SPIR-V binaries. If the shader compilation produces errors, warnings, and/or logs, that output will appear in the console window.
output in the console window

3. Use the shaders you just compiled for whatever you want


A typical use case on the desktop.

The shader compiler after it is opened

Note that the path has been autofilled with the


is an environment variable referencing the path to the directory containing the G10 executable.
environment variable.

The shader compiler after successfully compiling graphics shaders.

Note the success message

The shader compiler after erroneously compiling ray shaders.

Note the checks and exclaimation points, corresponding to successes and failures

The shader compiler after attempting to parse an invalid input file

Attempting to compile a file that is not a shader produces an error